I've been Focusing on how I can apply the Atonement in Everyday of My life and I read a quote from a Talk, I'll copy it!
If you are suffering deeply, with others or alone, I urge you to let the Savior be your caregiver. Lean on His ample arm. Accept His assurance. “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you,” He promises. (“Come, Follow Me” by Practicing Christian Love and Service)
I love the opportunity to Learn about Jesus Christ that I have every day. I've learned more about him and his Gospel more than I think I ever would've in any other situation in my Life. I truly know that Jesus Christ is there for us in any situation. Even on a mission everything isn't great and Dandy 100 % of the time. Haha but I have learned that when things get rough, to just take 5 min and kneel down and pour out your soul to Heavenly Father, things will get better. Jesus Christ died for us! And he and Heavenly Father love us.
Yeah this was a good week! We went on exchanges again, with Elder Madsen! It was a good exchange! He's in a YSA ward and it's just strange teaching with people around our age. We went to the Lights and it's just so great to be there! It makes it feel more Christmas-y.
It was awesome, we did a review of the Baptismal Questions and M__________ and G______ just knew so much and their testimonies were very strong! It was just amazing for me to see how much they've grown and everything! They've both given up their past and truly come closer to Jesus Christ through his Atonement! It's amazing!:) Happiest Feeling ever!
It's been a little harder for some reason to find new actually interested investigators, then we met with one of our investigators A______, (she was a referall from sister E________ the Relief Society President) and The Lord worked on her! She completely understood the role of the Priesthood and The Great Apostasy! Hahaha later, she was like "Everytime that I'm feeling sad or my day isn't going well, Sister E_______ is always there knocking on my Door!" Hahaha we were like and "why do you think the Lord has been sending her?" And she was like "Well, I think he's showing me where to go!" Hahha then we were like well, this is the Church of Jesus Christ, Hermana. Hahaha she's so great! We recieved another Blessing! It was a referall from the Christmas lights that was SO PREPARED! She didn't have time but we left her with a pamphlet and she said we were welcome anytime!
Elder Jensen
How is the work over there? I'm sure it's rough. Yes! I needed them so bad! (new shoes) They're perfect! Thank you! I feel bad cause I know they were expensive!:/ but they'll last way til after the mission. Thank you! No, I have to do that tomorrow. My comps help me remember. Ok! Sounds good! Hahha I don't know what to get everyone because everything is like the same here!
Thats Great! I would love to do stuff like that after the mission for Christmas, can you believe I'll be home for next Christmas? Weird. That's so cool! You'll have to let me know where they go (ward members he was in mutual with)!
I think I'll baptize one and Elder Duce the other one! I'll just wait to open them until Xmas. I can't wait to talk with you guys! We can talk whenever, our Mission President told us that on Christmas he doesn't want us out unless we have been invited to go somewhere.
Mom, can you believe that I only have close to 10 months left. Me and the mission buddies are all talking about how weird it is we're finishing up soon. Well, not really but. Every 3 months one of us goes home. It's gonna get weird pretty soon. Hahaha the Mission is fast. I'll be pretty excited though to move on to he next step, i think I'll want to go and try to get my AEMT or something like that.
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